Fundamental Analysis is simply the process of identifying and understanding the "factual reasons" why the market is moving in the direction that it is currently moving within the overall trend. This is in contrast to simply identifying that a trend or price move has already happened. Identifying that a market has already had a price move is the job of Technical Analysis which is all backward-looking. Understanding why a particular currency or market is moving is the job of fundamental analysis which is forward-looking and allows you to use this information to try and predict where prices might go in the near future.
Fundamental Analysis is an extremely underserved subject when it comes to retail traders and how they obtain their trading knowledge. In this Wiki, we will explore all the various aspects of fundamental analysis and how you can apply that to your own trading for improved performance.
This Wiki is a part of our Essential Forex Trading Guide. Be sure to check that out HERE.
Introduction to Fundamental Analysis
The Basics of Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental Analysis goes far beyond a simple Technical Analysis approach which is what the typical retail trader will use to make their trading decisions. Understanding Fundamental Analysis will give you more conviction because you can have confidence that you are trading the real reasons why the market is moving rather than simply guessing by using some variation of chart pattern or indicator to make your trading decisions. In this Wiki, we will explore The Basics of Fundamental Analysis including:
- The Basics of Fundamental Analysis
- Fundamental Analysis and Real Life Scenarios
- A Trader's Personal Story on Fundamentals
You can access the main Wiki for The Basics of Fundamental Analysis HERE.
Objections to Fundamental Analysis
There are many Traders that are opposed to the concept of Fundamental Analysis. There are various reasons for this but what we will do in this Wiki is point out a few of the most popular objections and then provide some context on why they may not be well-founded objections including:
- Objections to Fundamental Analysis
- Objection #1: Applying the Fundamentals is Unnecessary Because you Only Need to Look at the Charts
- Objection #2: Fundamentals are too Difficult Unless you have a High-Level University Degree
- Objection # 3: All News is Priced into the Markets
You can access the main Wiki for Objections to Fundamental Analysis HERE.
Institutional and Retail Traders
There is a big difference in the way that a retail trader approaches the Forex or any other financial market from how a professional institutional trader will go about navigating them. In the following Wiki, we will explore concepts such as:
- What is a Retail Trader?
- What is an Institutional Trader?
- What is the difference between Institutional and Retail Traders?
- Why should Traders learn the Institutional Way of Trading?
You can access the main Wiki for Institutional and Retail Traders HERE.
Fundamental Supply and Demand
When discussing fundamental analysis there are some core principles that we need to be aware of. Supply and demand are at the heart of fundamental moves in all markets including Forex. In the following Wiki we will explore:
You can access the main Wiki for Fundamental Supply and Demand HERE.
Sentiment Analysis Overview from a Fundamental Perspective
Fundamental Analysis and Sentiment Analysis are two of the most important subjects in Forex trading. In this Wiki, we will take a Sentiment Analysis Overview from a Fundamental Perspective and explore some ways to trade them including:
Sentiment Analysis Overview from a Fundamental Perspective The Best Trades Good Trades
You can access the main Wiki for Sentiment Analysis Overview from a Fundamental Perspective HERE.
Exchange Rates
Exchange rates are an important aspect of understanding the full spectrum of fundamental analysis which is why we created a separate Wiki devoted entirely to Exchange rates. In the following Wiki, we will explore:
- What an Exchange Rate is
- Exchange Rate Examples
- The Technical Aspects of Exchange Rates
- Exchange Rate Pricing Theories.
- Central Banks and Exchange Rates
The main page for Exchange rates is found here: Exchange rates
Money Supply
We have a separate Wiki on Money Supply so please click on the links to take you to those specific Wikis to obtain this information.
The main page for Money Supply is found here: Money Supply.
Intermaket Analysis
To get a good grip on financial trading we need to take a few minutes out to look at something called "Intermarket Analysis" and how various asset classes and markets relate to each other. In the following Wiki on Intermaket Analysis we will cover subjects such as:
- Overview of Intermarket Analysis
- Links between Bonds and Stocks
- Links between Commodities and Bonds
- Deflation and its Effects
The main Wiki on Intermaket Analysis can be found HERE.
Advanced Fundamental Analysis
Fundamentals and Sentiment
You may recall that the fundamentals, particularly for FX trading, tend to revolve around the Central banks of each nation and the expectations of the market for what that bank will do next with its interest rate policies. The Central banks use economic indicators to determine the state of the economy and then implement the various tools they have at their disposal. They do this with the hopes of improving the indicators they deem important to keep the economy stable and in line with their policy mandates.
To explain this effectively we have to break the concepts of this analysis down into two distinct parts:
- Fundamentals: The first part is the underlying fundamentals that we talked quite a lot about in previous sections. Fundamentals are the big macro picture for the economy being measured. For example, if you are trading the Australian Dollar then you need to understand the economic situation of Australia and what the central bank of Australia is concerned with.
- Sentiment: What we haven’t looked at too much are the things that are driving the price right this moment in the here and now. This is called sentiment and is the most important thing you need to concern yourself with if you are considering becoming or are a day trader.
Therefore, we have two core elements that we must be in tune with at all times; the underlying fundamentals and the ever-changing sentiment. This is an extremely important distinction to make so make sure that you have your thinking cap on as you go through this section.
The simplest way to understand the difference between fundamentals and sentiment is to imagine that the fundamentals are the big picture. This big picture is things that don’t change very often and are the things that are driving prices over weeks and months. Sentiment, on the other hand, are the short-term things that the market participants are obsessing over that are driving prices over hours and days in the current session and beyond.
Of course, sentiment can take over in the short term and move the price against the big picture fundamental trend. However, as long as the core principles remain in play the trend will typically resume at some point when the sentiment wares off and fades away from the market's memory.
The market tends to have a short-term memory when it comes to sentiment. This means that the sentiment must be very strong to drive prices for more than a couple of days. It's pretty common for the market to get really concerned with a specific news item and move prices hard in one trading session only to completely reverse that move the next session because there is some new piece of information that the market is focussing on instead.
Understanding that the sentiment can be with or against the big picture fundamentals is key. But the best trades will always be when the current sentiment is in line with the big picture fundamentals. This is because this situation will cause the most number of market participants to trade in the same direction at the same time. However, it's also key to understand that you can make a lot of pips when the sentiment is opposite the fundamentals because the market tends to forget about the fundamentals when there is a reason to think differently.
Understanding these two concepts and how they work provides us with the foundations for identifying various trading opportunities throughout the trading day. For example, some traders use the short-term sentiment as an opportunity to trade the longer-term trend at a much more attractive price. This means that these traders wait for a situation when the sentiment is actually opposite to that of the fundamental trend. This causes prices to correct in the short term setting up nice opportunities to get in the fundamental trend at a better price. At the same time, other traders may take advantage of the counter-trend sentiment and trade in line with it to make a quick profit.
As we have already seen, fundamentals are very important to successful trading but there are other core areas that must be developed if a trader is to become successful for the long run; Fundamental Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Technical Analysis, Risk Management, and Trading psychology. The goal should be to get yourself to a point where you are proficient in all these areas so that you can achieve your goals.
One of the core things that most traders will likely need to improve is something called "Conviction". Conviction simply means having confidence in your trading. Traders use conviction to determine how good a possible trade is and how likely it is for that trade to yield a profit. With time and practice your conviction levels will naturally increase making your trading comfortable and seem like second nature.
If you have a high level of conviction in a trade based on all the things that you understand to be true then generally your chance of success is much higher. If you combine this with your own personal research for a specific opportunity then you have a chance at increasing your conviction level.
Traders that do not pay attention to their conviction levels, or simply don’t know how to increase their conviction levels, have very little chance of success. You must constantly be aware of your conviction, measure it, and control it in order to achieve a high level of success. Keep this in mind while researching a trade to determine both the underlying fundamentals and the short-term sentiment because your conviction level will directly influence your level of Trading psychology while you are in a position. The more factual reasons you can find to support a position, the more comfortable you will feel overall because you will know that you have done all you could to give yourself the best chance of success.
Central Banks
Central Banks are so important to the Forex market and all other financial markets that we have devoted an entire in-depth Wiki to all things Central Banks. In the following Wiki on Central Banks we will explore:
Introduction to Central Banks A Brief History of Central Banks Central Banks and Interest Rates Overview of what Central Banks do Monetary Policy and Money Supply Central Bank Monetary Policy Tools Hawks and Doves Major Central Banks
The main Wiki page for Central Banks is found here: Central Banks
Economic Data Releases
Just like Central Banks, Economic Data Releases are so important to all financial markets that we have created a separate Wiki for them. In the following Wiki we will explore:
- Economic Data Primer
- The Importance of Globalization
- How to know when Economic Data is Released
- What Traders Need to Know about Economic Data
- The Expectations of Data is Critically Important
- Economic Data and Economic Cycles
- Economic Data Types
- Specific Economic Indicators
- Economic Indicator Pre-Trade Considerations
The main Wiki page for Economic Data Releases is found here: Economic Data Releases
How the Forex Market Relates to other Markets
The Forex market relates to other financial markets in various ways. In this Wiki, we will explore how different markets relate to and affect the Forex market including:
You can access the main Wiki for How the Forex Market Relates to other Markets HERE.
Economic Cycles
Economic Cycles are such an important and vast subject that we have a separate Wiki dedicated to all things on Economic Cycles. In the following Wiki on Economic Cycles we will explore:
State of the Economy Inflation, Deflation and Hyperinflation Economic Cycles and the 4 Phases Economic Data and Economic Cycles Indicators within the Economic Cycle
Please refer to the Wiki for further information on Economic Cycles.
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